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Овај вебсајт представља архиву старог вебсајта Универзитетске библиотеке који је био у функцији до 2013. године и од тада се не ажурира. Молимо Вас да посетите вебсајт unilib.rs на ком можете пронаћи актуелне информације и изворе. Хвала! |
You are visiting an archived website of the University Library in Belgrade that was functional up until 2013 and is not being updated since. Please visit unilib.rs for current information and resources. Thank you! |
Procurement Text is being edited...
Planned and
systematic filling of the fund is done through selective acquisition of
publications, which fits the profile of opštenaučne and the central
library of the University of Belgrade. Unlike specialized katedarskih and institute libraries, which mostly
purchased publications related to appropriate discipline library is
oriented to the acquisition of general and fundamental works and
reference publications in all fields of science, with a focus on social
sciences and humanities.
Special importance is the acquisition of textbooks as well as domestic and foreign university publications and publications of universities. Because of the selective approach, the basic form of acquisition of publications in academic libraries is buying. Since this method requires a regular supply and very expensive, special importance given the traditional exchange of books and periodicals with about 250 similar institutions around the world. It is thanks to the exchange of the Library and in the most difficult circumstances managed to maintain the continuity of the arrival of the scientific literature. The library receives more or less gifts from institutions from home and abroad, such as colleges, academies, individual departments, institutes, scientific societies, and from the user, university professors, scientists and cultural workers, whether in the gift of the authors, parts of the library or even whole libraries. Bequest was received many valuable legacies. Due to lack of funds for the regular supply, a gift has become a major source of supply of new print publications, and licenses for the use of foreign electronic publications obtained through the consortium KoBSON. |