Овај вебсајт представља архиву старог вебсајта Универзитетске библиотеке који је био у функцији до 2013. године и од тада се не ажурира. Молимо Вас да посетите вебсајт unilib.rs на ком можете пронаћи актуелне информације и изворе. Хвала! | |
You are visiting an archived website of the University Library in Belgrade that was functional up until 2013 and is not being updated since. Please visit unilib.rs for current information and resources. Thank you! |
Digital repository All materials that are available in the repository
of the University Library "Svetozar Markovic" are in open access. You can use them for free and without any commercial purpose. However, if you wish to use this material for commercial purposes, you need a
written consent of the University Library "Svetozar Markovic". If you require materials in a higher resolution, those can be prepared for you after you make a request to the Library.